I’m submitting a short paper to the OZCHI ’10 conference held in Brisbane, Australia. Here’s the abstract put together with the help of my supervisors:

The proliferation of consumer electronics devices that are Global Positioning System (GPS)- enabled has led to an increase in the availability and quantity of data that is geo-located. The position of where certain data has been captured, photographs taken, or places visited can be easily and quickly appended to files generated by a portable device. Related to the capture of information and the subsequent geo-coding has been the need to visualise this data.

Geovisualisation, the viewing of geographical data and representations of geography (maps) through the frame of location, has become an important method for sense-making and knowledge discovery. Recent research in this relatively new field has positioned it as being more akin to “geovisual analytics”, with an emphasis on the cognitive elements of exploration of data through highly interactive interfaces rather than a simple static display. This repositioning highlights the importance of the human elements of interaction with geo-based data and the interfaces designed to present them. How should interaction be guided by the role of location? How can interfaces provide information to users that is place-specific or location ‘bounded?

In an attempt to provide a background to the benefits of geovisual analytics, this paper will explore the role that perception has in complex problem solving and knowledge discovery. It will demonstrate that, through the use of modern interactive technologies, (geo)visualisations can augment and facilitate our natural ability to see novel, surprising and otherwise invisible relationships between information. As well, it will discuss a current research project that is developing concepts that will be implemented to assist in the management of natural environments – specifically in a national parks setting. It will also demonstrate the application of this research in a broader project that is being conducted with Parks Victoria, around national park management – particularly, fire management and prevention.

it still needs a bit of tweaking, but I’d be keen to hear your thoughts!


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